Casual Friday thoughts on narcissism, religion & politics

I have been BINGING on Scientology stuff ever since a friend mentioned “Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath” was on Netflix. It’s fascinating to learn more.

There’s similarities and differences between Scientology and Mormonism. It seems that what makes Scientology especially heinous is its abusive and oppressive POLICIES. I would say Mormon policies on the whole are not abusive to the extent as Scientology, so in that they’re different (conversion therapy and other such examples notwithstanding).

But as I keep learning more I’m realizing that the similarities lie in their roots as having been founded by narcissistic conmen who founded a religion to serve their ego, their dick, and their wallet. Scientology is an interesting case study in the dangers of enabling and serving a narcissistic con artist and what happens once they operationalize narcissistic abuse – the abuse continues after their death.

There are so many similarities with Trumpers too. I guess instead of founding a religion Trump went to politics as a way to enrich himself and serve his ego. I wonder what his next step will be.

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